Spring Semester Book charging will begin on December 30, 2024 and goes through January 17, 2025 in store and online. FREE shipping on online orders December 30 - January 17


Student ID is required

All students who are registered at RCTC for the current term and have a Financial Aid application on file for the current term will be eligible to charge up to $800.00 in textbooks and $200.00 in supplies for Fall and Spring Semesters at the Bookstore. Summer Session is $600.00 in textbooks and $200.00 in supplies at the Bookstore.  A Student ID is required for all in store purchases. Book charges are only available for a short period of time at the beginning of each semester and are for textbooks and supplies only. Clothing and RCTC novelties cannot  be charged to Financial Aid.  The cost of the charged items will be added to your RCTC bill and you will be expected to pay for these items along with any outstanding tuition and fees. If you do not qualify for Financial Aid or your Financial Aid is not sufficient to cover your entire balance due (including textbook charges) you must pay for the charged items from your own funds.

If this is your first time ordering on the Bookstore's site, you will need to create a login profile by clicking log in (top right corner) you will not be able to check out as a guest user.  Click Register Here, then select create a profile for browsing and shopping.  Fill in all the spaces with an asterisk * On the check out page, you will need to check "Fin Aid/3rd Party/PSEO" as the payment type, enter your Student ID number in the Account Number field, read over and check the verification box.